Toronto Artists & Art Galleries
The Art History Archive - Canadian
Is Toronto the new center of the art world?
In World War II artists fled Paris and came to New York and Toronto to create a new North American art scene. The majority of these artists came to downtown New York where they settled and began the process of building up a new foundation for the world's artistic aesthetics. Galleries began popping up all over the place.
Now, in this post-911 era, American artists are fleeing the United States and coming to Toronto. Already there has been a noticeable number of new art galleries that have "popped up overnight".
Under the United States new draconian laws and heavy censorship, artists feel constrained and restricted even within the usually very liberal confines of New York. Artists are accused of being terrorists if they make art that is even vaguely sympathetic to Iraq or Afghanistan.
This is dramatically similar to Hitler hunting down artists who were unorthodox or showed art that was anti-Nazi. And again similar to the Cold War allegations of communism. "Oh those artists, they're communists! Throw them in prison!"
These draconian methods, some might even call them gestapo tactics, are resulting in many artists to rethink their ideas about the United States.
Below is a growing list of native Toronto artists, and American artists who have recently moved to Toronto. Below that is artist resources and a very extensive list of Toronto art galleries. These lists will only get longer.
They do make you think however, if Toronto does become the new center of the art world, where will that leave New York? Will it dwindle in history like Italy and Paris have? Or it will it continue to produce top quality art and artists despite its war atmosphere?
Toronto Artists
Barilla, David - Rugs.
Cronin, Lynda - Installation, sculpture.
Dammit, Joey - Painting.
Dawe, Giles - Painting, sculpture.
Dickson, Alastair - Sculpture, film art.
Engelen, Leon - Oil painting.
Gaber, Antoine - Painting, landscapes.
Genn, Sara - Digital photography.
Glinski, Andrew - Painting.
Jones, Janet - Painting.
Lada, Sophia - Painting, mixed media.
Linton, Jennifer - Painting, drawing, mixed media. Also see
Loughery, Michelle - Muralist, bronzes, stained glass, painting
Moffat, Charles Alexander - Painting, photography, mosaics, neo-gothic art.
Mongiat, Richard - Painting.
Mulcahey, Gary - Photography.
Mulock, Julian - Illustrator.
Musial, John - Painting.
Pagayonan, Pamela - Painting, drawing, Neo-Gothic art.
Pearson, Ian - Painting, surrealism.
Preston, Richard - Mixed media, landscapes.
Revell, Ian - Photography.
Robins, Gregory - Steel sculpture.
Rostek, Kurt - Painting.
Sechi, Steve - Painting.
Strong, Joanna - Painting, watercolours.
Schemool, Allon - Muralist, painting, drawing.
Skolka, Steven - Muralist.
Thorburn, Mark - Painting, automotive, aviation.
Tilups, Aina - Photography.
Van Dyke, Victoria - Photography, painting, collage.
Walton, Maureen - Muralist, painting, sculture.
Wilson, York - Painting.
Wrigley, Bill - Muralist, painting, photography. |
 Jennifer Linton : Comfort & Freedom
 Jennifer Linton : St. Agatha
Toronto Art Galleries
A - F
Angell Gallery - Our short group shows offer the opportunity to view a wide range of gallery and non-gallery artists, and give us the opportunity to continue to push the boundaries of art by exhibiting cutting-edge, new artists alongside the dynamic artists already housed by our gallery. They promise to be shorts that will entertain and inspire you, and we want your feedback.
Archive Inc. Gallery and Art Library - Doug Back, Taku Dazai, John Dickson, Eldon Garnet. bio-mech is engaged with sensations produced by society's interaction with technology.
Art Gallery Enigma - Group exhibition on a rotating basis, of watercolours, oils and mixed media by Canadian and international artists. Pastels by French post-Impressionist Rodolphe Planquette, sculptures by Misha Frid and Siggy Puchta.
Art Gallery of York University - Eidse explores notions of falling and failure with Flying Machine, a huge set of wings designed to be worn on one's back and Catastrophe Machine, a vortex trough that will be set in motion the evening of April 4th.
Artcore Gallery - International and Canadian contemporary art.
Art Gallery of Ontario - Ultrabaroque: Aspects of Post-Latin American Art - Miguel Calderon, Mar’a Fernanda Cardoso, Rochelle Costi, Arturo Duclos, Jose Antonio Hernandez-Diez, Yishai Jusidman, Inigo Manglano-Ovalle, Lia Menna Barreto, Franco Mondini Ruiz, Ruben Ortiz Torres, Nuno Ramos, Valeska Soares, Einar and Jamex de la Torre, Meyer Vaisman, Adriana Varejao.
Art Metropole - Specializing in artists' products since 1960.
AWOL Gallery - Ross Bonfanti, Visual Artist, found objects, mixed media artist in Toronto, Canada. Sandra Tarantinoi, Visual Artist, shaped canvases, portraiture, artist in Toronto, Canada.
Balzac Fine Arts - Balzac Fine Arts specializes in original Inuit and Canadian art. Our selection of classical and contemporary paintings includes landscape and still life work by artists such as Antoine Bittar, Serge Brunoni, Frederick Coburn, Stanley Cosgrove, Bruno Cote, Suzor-Cote, Henri Masson and Philip Surrey.
Bata Shoe Museum - Striking black and white photographs and sculptural prototypes by contemporary French artist, Marie-Ange Guilleminot.
Bau-Xi Gallery - Mackenzie's nude figures emerge from darkness in languid poses in both oil stick paintings and etchings.
City Sculpture School & Studio - Thaw - an exhibition of innovative sculptural works celebrating the return of spring.
Canadian Sculpture Centre - Intimate Symmetry - recent stone, steel and bronze sculpture by Ernest Herzig - remarks by Dr Lorraine Monk at opening.
Craig Scott Gallery - Located in downtown eastside Toronto at 95 Berkeley Street
CSPWC Gallery at Wallace Studios - Canadian Society of Painters in Water Colour.
The Cuba Gallery - The Cuba Gallery is currently showing works by Jose Garcia Montebravo, Arcadio Franco, Ileana Mulet, Eduardo Exposito.
Drabinsky Gallery - Ian Wallace has written: "The artist is simultaneously the initiator of original individuated texts and the performer and transmitter of collective meanings that we are given to rediscover. The drawings of Shelagh Keeley guide us there."
Edward Day Gallery - Mimi Gellman: Places for Confession and Gideon Tomaschoff: Recent Paintings. Gellman's mixed media installation of sculpture and giclee prints explores the nature of confession and its ability to cleanse, purify or redeem. Tomaschoff's abstract oil paintings employ scraped, peeling and crackled colour to create deeply layered surfaces.
Envers Chapin Gallery - Subject matter includes abstract, landscape, naive, still life and figurative work by Canadian and international artists. Representing artists: Patrice Beckerich, Lori Bellissimo, Doug Edwards, Maya Eventov, Jurgen Gorg, Marsha Hammel, Karen Hoepting, Alessandro Nocentini, Emilija Pasagic, Rosenberg, Virginia Wood.
The Eric Arthur Gallery - The Eric Arthur Gallery presents Cement, Concrete, a photographic documentation of Ontario's cement industry by Toronto artist, Peter MacCallum, and research in the fabric forming of concrete by University of Manitoba professor and architect, Mark West.
Feheley Fine Arts - An investigation of the famous Inuit women artists - Kenojuak Ashevak, Irene Avaalaaqiaq and others.
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G - K
Gallery One - Mary Pavey: New Paintings. Alice Teichert: transparency / translucency. David Drebin: ...I Love You Too.
Gallery 1313 - Obsession - paintings by Frank Perna. Apr 17-22, reception Wed 17 Apr: A Sense of Place in Schools - student photography exhibition, a retrospective by secondary school visual arts students of the Toronto School Board presented by Gary Knowles and Suzanne Thomas of OISE and supported by Peter Vietgen and Lesley Sparks of the Toronto School Board. Inspired by Newfoundland artist, Marlene Creates.
Gallery 44 - Centre for Contemporary Photography.
Gallery 888 - Spring Fling - stained glass by Torrie Munroe, photography by Azam Khan, paintings by Elizabeth Russ.
Gallery Arcturus - Foundation for the Study of Objective Art. Clouds by Sim Posen - new photographic b/w portfolio. Winter Reflections by Neil Fox - new solo photographic exhibition.
Gallery Gevik - Figurative Group Show - Henry Wanton Jones, Serpil Yeter, Alexander Kachkin, Gerald Lazare, Carol Wald, and more....
Gallery Neubacher - represents a new voice in the Canadian art community - exhibiting an interesting mix of established and emerging artists that represent a variety of disciplines including painting, sculpture, photography, video and installation.
Gallery TPW Toronto Photographers Workshop - Animose. A series of twenty-three black and white photographs from an ongoing project that began in 1996. Staats combines a snapshot aesthetic with the tradition of the fine print in documenting found objects that embody both loss and renewal. A self-published catalogue with an essay by Francois Dion and design by Lewis Nicholson is available.
Gardiner Museum of Ceramic Art - The Gardiner Museum (right across from the ROM) features collections of ceramic art from various historical periods plus contemporary work. Clay classes for all levels and ages; lectures and workshops. Call or log on for more information.
Goethe-Institut Inter Nationes Gallery - TextImages. Guest Curator: Sorel Etrog.
Harbourfront Centre York Quay Centre - Songs from the Waterfront. The Torontoniensis collective has been active since 1996.
Hollander York Gallery - Fine Canadian contemporary art, featuring artists from all across Canada.
Ingram Gallery - Vancouver-based Larsen in attendance at opening - new large-scale textural abstracts.
Istituto Italiano di Cultura - Seasons of the Theatre - an exhibition presenting selected images of historical theatres of the Emilia-Romagna Province, in co-operation with the Office for Culture and Tourism of the Emilia-Romagna Province.
Jane Corkin Gallery - Lori Newdick: Lure.
Justina M. Barnicke Gallery - 80th Annual Exhibition of Photographs - Sponsored by the Hart House Camera Club. In addition, the Hart House Art Competition - Sponsored by the Hart House Art Committee.
Koffler Gallery - Regarding Landscape - Organized by Toronto-based independent curator Gregory Salzman, Regarding Landscape represents a survey of significant contemporary landscape works by established and emerging Canadian, American and European artists, across a variety of media.
L - N
Lee, Ka-Sing Gallery - Michel Campeau, Rineke Dijkstra / Toni Hafkenscheid, Xing Danwen, Zhang Huan, Ma Liu-ming, Rong Rong and many others.
The Lilith Gallery - Feminist, political and gothic art that makes you think.
Lonsdale Gallery - Established in 1995 as a gallery of contemporary painting, sculpture, photography and installations.
Maslak-McLeod Gallery - Contemporary Native and Inuit Classics: NATIVE - Norval Morrisseau, Joseph Jacobs, Roy Thomas, David Maracle and Haida prints. INUIT - Floyd Kuptana, Simon Tookoome, Kiawak Ashoona, Lucy Tasseor, Peter Sevoga, Johnnie Inukpuk. INTERNATIONAL - Mafu Jiang, Christian McLeod, Peregal, Peter Gotlieb, Kers McLeod.
Mercer Union - A Centre for Contemporary Art.
Mira Godard Gallery - A Recapitulation of Recent Work.
Miriam Shiell Fine Art Ltd - Fine Art Dealers - 20th Century Masters Matisse, Picasso, Riopelle, Hockney, Arman, Mitoraj, Avery, Fetting, Borduas.
Moore Gallery - The Moore Gallery specializes in works by mid-career and senior Canadian artists. Works available by M Adamson, D Barnett, L Bellefleur, R Cattell, J Drapell, M Drouin, M Ferron, K M Graham, J Hendershot, K Jacobs, R Letendre, G Rayner, J P Riopelle, O Rogers, Sakis, H Saxe, J Singer, P Sloggett, M Snow, G Roberts, W Ronald, H Town, J Wieland, Y Wilson.
Museum of Contemporary Canadian Art - Robert Adams, Tom Bamberger, Lothar Baumgarten, Olafur Eliasson, P Fischli / D Weiss, Felix Gonzales-Torres, Will Gorlitz, Rodney Graham, Gary Hill, Roni Horn, Geoffrey James, David Korty, Svetlana Kopystiansky, Sherrie Levine, Matts Liederstam, Jean-Jacques Rullier, Tokihiro Sato, Thomas Struth, Hiroshi Sugimoto, Marc Trivier, Jeff Wall, James Welling, Robert Wiens.
Nikola Rukaj Gallery - Specializing in the purchase and sale of European/American modern/contemporary fine art prints.
O - S
O'Connor Gallery - James Huctwith - new oil on canvas portrait works. Michael Chambers - new black and white photographs, first Canadian solo in five years.
Odon Wagner Fine Art Gallery - Out of the Darkness - atmospheric new prints by Treacy Ziegler. Spirit and Matter - figurative bronze sculpture by Gary Weisman.
Open Studio - Olanick: Linear Sensitivity. Dako presents multiple boxed sets consisting of screenprinted images of his familiar cartoon character patterns on non-traditional surfaces such as vinyl records and wooden discs resembling sawblades. Olanick exhibits a photo-etching comprised of six panels featuring hand-rendered drawings of organic microscopic images, mechanical reproductions of lace and embossing.
Paul Petro Contemporary Art - Jay Isaac: Misty Horizon - new paintings and sculpture.
Pari Nadimi Gallery - John McLachlin: Sidewalk - recent photographs. The ancient Romans perfected the science and use of concrete, achieving the mastery of stone. In our attempt to civilize the Western world we have paved roads and lined them with sidewalks. John McLachlin's Sidewalk investigates this civilizing/cultural device.
Peak Gallery - The Cave of Making.
Peterson Fine Art - Come out and see our new space. Many of our artists will be present.
The Power Plant - Bruce Mau Design: Three Moving Projects, 1991-2002.
Prime Gallery - Cybele Young: Let's go over there - recent print constructions. May 2-25: Jeannie Mah: familiar...but foreign - recent ceramics. Paul Mathieu - Salt & Pepper Shaker Sets (and Ashtrays): Twentieth Century Disasters (+1) and Twentieth Century Sculptures.
Prince Arthur Fine Arts - Through the Glass Darkly: The Work of Eight Contemporary Canadian Artists.
Propeller Centre for the Visual Arts - Lisa Puopolo: Shoebox - sculpture/print installation. "Come and visit the creepy things I keep in boxes." Manuel Lau: The Hat Market - new works in oil and acrylic on canvas. Apr 24-May 4, reception Fri 26 Apr, 7-10 pm: Naomi Reid and Keijo Tapanainen: Body Language - two artists' interpretations of their experiences with the human form.
Pteros Gallery - et in Arcadia ego - an invitational exhibition of fifteen visual artists of the Arcadia Artists' Co-op.
The Red Head Gallery - Jocelyne Belcourt Salem: sometimes I dream.... As a video installation, sometimes I dream... speaks to the emergence of a maternal language in unconscious spaces. Looking at individuals from differing cultural backgrounds, Salem contextualizes a shared linguistic memory.
Robert Birch Gallery - Ginette Legare: Contract Lens. Jim - John Armstrong and Paul Collins - photographs and book launch.
Robert Mede Gallery - Current gallery selections include: Dorus Arts, Pal Fried, Francois Gall, David Gnass, Jules Herve, Michael Khoury, Henri Masson, Norval Morrisseau, Robert Pilot, Pim Sekeris, William Shayer Snr, Ralph Siferd, Phillip Surrey.
Sable-Castelli Gallery - David Craven, Will Gorlitz.
Sandra Ainsley Gallery - Located in the heart of the financial district in downtown Toronto, the Sandra Ainsley Gallery represents the leading contemporary North American artists working primarily in glass.
A Space Gallery - Works by John di Stefano, Raffael Antonio Iglesias, Rose Bianchini, Kent Monkman, Edmund Law, Jorge Lozano, and Haruko Okano.
Stephen Bulger Gallery - Vincenzo Pietropaolo (b. 1951, Maierato, Italy). Pietropaolo emigrated to Canada in 1963. A self-taught photographer, he began work in 1968, focusing almost exclusively on photography as a social comment.
T - Z
Tatar Alexander Gallery - Drew Harris: The Confession Series. This series is a form of personal storytelling and visually documents both a time and place through the abstraction of Harris' paintings. The surface of each painting has been inscribed with thoughts, discussions and reflections; the confessions of the artist and of others. Using his canvas as a journal he is able to capture both the emotion, and often the words, of his experience.
Teodora Art Gallery - Contemporary works of art by Canadian and international artists.
Textile Museum of Canada - e-textiles - curated by Louise Lemieux Berube and Marielle Chouinard for the Montreal Centre for Contemporary Textiles. This exhibition brings to Toronto the work of 11 prominent artists from Canada, the United States, Australia and Japan. Making use of the natural world, portraits, photographs, abstract and computer-inspired imagery, these artists create through their use of technology, a new weaving language.
Tolmie Gallery - Ken Tolmie's Window Series paintings are featured in a short film produced by Tolmie Productions in association with the CBC, to be aired on national CBC some time in April 2002. Some of the paintings are on display in the Tolmie Gallery - Knights and White Satin; Trinity; Santons, Vence, France. If you wish you can see some of the large Window Series oils now in progress.
Trias Gallery - Specializing in contemporary Canadian art by established and emerging artists.
TSA - Toronto School of Art
Tyndale College and Seminary - Wide Juried Exhibition - Evidence of Things Unseen - Art in the Judeo-Christian Tradition.
University of Toronto Art Centre - A Selection of Recent Gifts of Contemporary Art to the University of Toronto Art Collection.
WARC Gallery - A not-for-profit artist-run centre, the Women's Art Resource Centre remains unique in Canada as an arts organization dedicated to the advancement of artistic practice by contemporary women artists.
YYZ Artists Outlet - Trans-it/mit/fer/form - Paul de Guzman, Iwona Majdan, Simon Patterson, Carl Skelton, Cheryl Sourkes. Curated by Jessica Wyman, this multidisciplinary group exhibition explores ideas of communication and the transmission of ideas through the practice and production of art.